Eating for Two Cafe
How-To Eat Your Way to a Healthy Pregnancy & Postpartum
Trying to Conceive? Morning Sickness? Heartburn? High Blood Sugar? Leg cramps? High Blood Pressure? Group B Strep +? Complications at Birth? Induction? Operative Birth? Low Milk Supply? Breastfeeding Difficulties?
It could be what you are (not) eating!
In these fun, motivating and informative nutrition classes you will learn
- how diet affects your amazing pregnant body and your baby's birth experience
- delicious & easy recipes for the whole family
- simple and safe tricks to ease common pregnancy discomforts
- how to eat your way to an easier labour and birth
- snack and meal ideas to speed postpartum recovery
- how you can overcome breastfeeding difficulties by eating these foods
- signs that baby is ready for solids
- how to make your own baby food using the most nutritious first foods
- how to continue breastfeeding while working outside the home
- you are what you eat, and so is your baby!
For more information or to Register please Contact Us