Doula Training 2019
Certified Doula Training
OOur Gloria Lemay Certified Doula Instructors would like to help you become a Certified Doula. Our Certified Doula course, based on Gloria Lemay's Wise Woman Way of Birth Doula Training, will give you the skills to assist women giving birth, and the opportunity to cultivate your birth world community.
8 three hour classes are family friendly, babes in arms are welcome.
Looking for more information? Register below for the Becoming a Doula Info Session. Please register for our Doula Info Session below.
Course Outline:
Introduction, review of pre-reading, doula do’s and don’ts, medical terms to know, stages of a normal birth, designing a doula business for fun and profit, prenatal counselling, client history-taking, nutritional and lifestyle improvement counseling, creating an ideal birth plan, comfort and relaxation techniques, waterbirth, medications and interventions (antibiotics, induction, augmentation, epidural, surgical birth, managed third stage), avoiding a cesarean section, VBAC, the amazing newborn, postpartum wellness, recognizing when to call for medical help, beware of baby trainers, breastfeeding counseling, nighttime parenting, providing support through maternity leave and beyond.
There will be an exam at the end of the course and successful students will receive their Doula Certification.
Upon Certification, graduates will be invited to join an online forum for access to additional resources, videos, and support that will help you deepen your practice and launch a successful doula career.
$959 including pre-reading, notes and (upon successful completion of course and exam) Doula Certification. There is a $100 non-refundable deposit required for registration.
$859 due upon arrival, unless a Payment Plan has been arranged. Payment options include eTransfer and cash.
To register, please fill out form at bottom of this page.
Norfolk, Ontario. Address will be sent to you after you have registered.
Please contact us if you need more information.